Bella Trost

How to get a better night’s sleep

The quality of your sleep affects your mental and physical health, your energy levels and productivity, your emotional balance and even your weight. The lockdown lifestyle continues as people stay at home a lot more than usual and might find it hard to sleep well through the night. Here are a few tips how to relax if you struggle to fall asleep.

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Why do I love Plyometrics?

Plyometric training is a great workout. It should take a short time (max. 20 min), it’s high intensity, makes you sweat fast and helps to burn lots of calories. Jump training is effective but there’s a risk of injury if you execute the exercises poorly. Learn to jump! Gradually build up the intensity and volume to a higher difficulty level, higher intensity moves and more repetition.

Link to TikTok jump tutorial in the article!

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Do 30-day challenges work?

30-day challenge fitness programs are very popular right now. Many of them promise body transformation and a better life. But do they really work? The answer is yes and no. It is more likely to be a yes if you approach the challenge right.

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Interview Of The Week with Max Ryan: A British actor in Hollywood

He was the the Danish architect, Rikard, from Sex and the City 2. You know… he was the perfect match for Samantha… (in the bedroom). Max Ryan melted women’s hearts all over the world with the sexy role when the movie came out in 2010. 10 years later BWG interviews the British actor about his life, his career and his projects. This is a very special Christmas issue. Please welcome Mr Max Ryan!

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Never underestimate self criticism!

Today it seems like any kind of self criticism is considered a bad thing. But is well-intentioned self criticism always self destructive? It is great if you are happy with your progress and proud of where you are BUT at the same time wouldn’t it be useful to be more objective and self aware?

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