Non-dietery tips for better stress resilience

In the “How to eat when you are stressed out” article (link bellow) Taru Towers gives dietary tips. In this article she writes about physical exercises that might help you to cope with stress.

Taru Towers, Nutritional Therapist (click here to visit Taru’s website)

Our mind is a mighty tool in wellbeing and when building better stress resilience. Breathing exercises, gentle exercise (low to moderate intensity) and good sleep all reduce cortisol levels and improve both our immune system and sense of wellbeing.

Gentle exercise

Walking has been shown to reduce stress, elevate mood and improve our general sense of wellbeing. All low to moderate intensity movement helps to break down cortisol, our stress hormone. Exercise also improves the depth of our breathing, helping to oxygenate the brain and other tissues. Moderate intensity is where you can talk, but not sing while moving, low intensity when you can sing while moving.

Breathing exercises

Yogic, or diaphragmatic breathing techniques guide the body from the stress-prone, sympathetic nervous system towards the parasympathetic system, which allows us to calm down, relax and restore our body systems. A few minutes of concentrated breathing pattern (example 4 counts in, 6-7 counts out) is all that is required to feel the benefits. This can be done anytime, sitting, standing or lying on one’s back. More regularly you engage in this practice, more readily your body will respond to it.


Different forms of meditation have been researched extensively for stress reduction and psychological wellbeing, and it has been found to reduce stress and increase the sense of wellbeing. There are many forms available – trial different ones to find the one you feel suits you the best.

Sleep hygiene

A good restorative sleep is key to health, and if you have one aim in daily health practices, make it a good sleep. Keep your bedroom well aired, blocking out all stress light, and without electrical appliances. Aim to have your dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime and close TV, laptops and mobile screens an hour before you intend to sleep.

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