Interview Of The Week with Katie Beecher: Soul inspired healing

Katie Beecher is a born healer. She works with clients all over the world as a medical and spiritual intuitive. She is trusted by doctors, celebrities and thousands of people. She is able to look into people’s bodies and energy, as well as all aspects of their lives in the past and present. Her goal is to let people know the physical, emotional and spiritual root causes of the issues they are having, help them connect to their intuition and help them to heal or just be happier and healthier.

What exactly does a medical intuitive do? Is it similar to a psychic?

A medical intuitive is definitely not a psychic. I define a psychic as someone who tells people about the future. A medium is someone who is able to talk with people and animals who have passed. I have medium abilities as well as being a medical intuitive. What I do is evidence based, even as a medium. I give people verifiable facts and often work with other medical professionals in the healing process. My abilities and accuracy have been verified by many sources, including an article in an international peer reviewed journal edited by a medical doctor.

So you need a special ability to become a medical intuitive. How did you notice that you were a medium?

From a young age I was able to pick up spirit energy and feel what other people were feeling and thinking. When I picked up evil energy, it was frightening and as a young person, I didn’t feel safe, so I turned away from my spiritual abilities. This changed when I began treatment with a therapist for an eating disorder and depression at the age of 16. She was very open to intuition and showed me how to connect to it and my spiritual guides and love myself, in order to heal. She also taught me that I didn’t have to fear my abilities and that I was always safe.

Do you have a specialty?

I don’t have one specialty since I have been doing this for so long. I have helped people with almost every sort of issue – physically, emotionally and spiritually. I especially enjoy working with trauma survivors because their healing is so transformational. I have healed from Lyme disease, as well as depression, anxiety and I’ve been recovered from bulimia for over 30 years, so I have a great deal of experience with these issues as well. I enjoy working with kids and young adults and was originally trained as a child and adolescent therapist and also as a special education teacher of high school at-risk kids.

Some of the people who seek my services are very sick, physically or emotionally. Whether they have a diagnosis or not, they are not getting better with traditional or alternative medicine practices.

This is the hardest part of my job: seeing people who have been suffering for a long time and have not received adequate help from our medical and mental health system. Many of my clients have spent thousands or tens of thousands of dollars on practitioners, books, treatments and more that have not been helpful or that have made them worse. I have been in that position myself and it is heartbreaking.

I went to a three day workshop and I took an online class with her to learn more about anatomy, connecting with intuition and the energy centers of the body, called chakras. I kept developing my psychic and spiritual abilities and I’ve been working as a medical intuitive for around 8 years now. I also kept my other job – I’ve been a licensed professional counselor for over 30 years.

Almost everyone has had some kind of trouble, bad experience or heartbreak in their lives that is hard to move on from. Even if someone considers themselves a happy person, scars remain and might affect their personality or everyday living in a furtive way. Have you ever met a perfectly “healthy” client with no issues at all?

It doesn’t happen often but I have. There is certainly no such thing as a perfect life and most people want to make improvements or enhancements.

I have worked with CEOs, state Supreme Court judges, celebrities and even physicians all over the world. Some of my clients are healthy and just want to know more about connecting to intuition, growing their spiritual abilities or being healthier in general. I have also worked with professional athletes to help them improve their performance. I have met the most amazing people all over the world. Being able to help people heal and grow is a privilege I will never take for granted.

It seems like everyone needs some kind of spiritual help.

We absolutely need the support and love of other people. We also need people who can be honest with us because we cannot always be objective about issues we may need to address. It takes strength to ask for help. Even a person who helps others needs help. I don’t work with any other medical intuitives but have certainly gone to therapy (with a Jungian counselor) when I need it. I speak to my guides every day and I am fortunate to have a husband and two adult daughters who support me and are also my best friends. They keep me in line.

What happens when you see a problem with a client? What is the process when someone has an issue to heal?

I regularly refer people to medical and other professionals to assist in healing and for testing to confirm what I have found. I cannot diagnose since I am not a doctor and it isn’t ethical but I identify symptoms and other issues that I strongly encourage my clients to verify and get appropriate medical assistance for. I often work with people after the initial reading as a spiritual counselor or to delve deeper into the issues that they have come to me with but we accomplish a great deal in the first reading. People have told me that it is like a year of therapy in an hour and that they learn more from that session than they ever have from any doctor or other practitioner.

How does a consultation and/or first reading happen?

I work in a very unique way, creating a four page report and symbolic painting for my clients as part of the reading, knowing only their name and age. I don’t even need their last names. I send these materials before ever meeting with them or getting any information, then during our meeting I get additional information from my guides.

I send the report and painting to the client the day before our FaceTime or Skype consultation. During the meeting we go over all of that as well as any questions they may have. I receive more information from my guides during the meeting also. We discuss the client’s issues, what is causing them and I make recommendations for moving forward and healing. These recommendations include spiritual and emotional tools and tasks along with ways they can improve their physical health. It is all connected and most people don’t realize that things like trauma, events in their childhood, relationships, lack of creativity, not connecting to intuition and other factors are all impacting their wellbeing.

People make appointments through my website, after reading about me on Gwyneth Paltrow’s site, Goop, Kourtney Kardashian’s Poosh, other publications or hearing an interview with me on a podcast. Most of my clients come as a result of referrals from other clients, which is an honor.

You have worked with thousands of people. What would you say are the biggest problems in life today or the most common issues?

I believe it is that we do not have enough love for ourselves and are not in touch with our intuition and authenticity. When I was 16 and recovering from a severe eating disorder, I learned that with self love, self acceptance and connection to intuition, we can heal from anything. I believe that even more today.

We live in challenging times. Covid is testing our society big time. How is this new “lifestyle” affecting people?

I have seen both positive and negative effects from Covid. Many people have said that it has been great to slow down, instead of focusing on commuting, work and their formerly fast paced lives. They have enjoyed spending more time with their families, learning that they can live with less and concentrate on what is truly important. Some of the negatives are feelings of helplessness, lack of control, fear about the future regarding their health and their jobs, and a lack of ability to trust the information we have been given because it is often inconsistent or politically motivated. Anxiety is a subject that has always come up in my work, but I hear about it more frequently and more intensely since Covid.

What would be a piece of advice that everybody could adapt in their lives?

Listen to your intuition and be true to yourself. Love yourself and treat yourself the way you would like others to treat you. Eat healthy, eliminate as many chemicals from your life as possible and find movement and stress relief that you love.

If you would like to know more about Katie and about how she healed from Lyme disease, bulimia and depression check out her book, Soul Inspired Healing.

Instagram: @katiebeecher_medical_intuitive

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